For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ... Jeremiah 29:11

The School of Strategic Living is a comprehensive online school consisting of two one-year courses (GoLife100 & GoLife200) featuring real-time group interaction and dedicated support from trained facilitators. A conference component called the GoLife Intensive is an integral part of the experience. Registration open in January every year with new groups forming. Our online format offers the convenience of enrollment from any location and is tailored to accommodate the busy schedules of working professionals.
College Credit
Upon successful completion of our schools, graduates can take advantage of our Advanced Standing Partnerships in which units of credit are awarded for your education with GoStrategic toward degrees and certifications with other colleges, universities, and institutions of higher education. Visit our Advanced Standing Partnerships Page for details.
The Event
Qualifying GoStrategic events are held in numerous countries around the world as well as virtually. These events are open to all and serve as a prerequisite for graduation from the School of Strategic Living. The goals of these events are to equip and inspire attendees and connect them relationally with peers and leaders. Please contact to learn about upcoming events.
Relational Grounding
We are committed to fostering community under the firm believe that God builds relationally by joining together the hearts of individuals. Our mentor-based model is critical to the success of the course. Our desire to see students work with a facilitator is based in our conviction that genuine transformation in a person’s life takes place in the context of spiritual relationships with others. The role of the facilitator is to encourage and challenge their students as they work through the materials. Facilitators are graduates of the school, have completed additional facilitator training, and remain under the oversight of our Directors of Facilitation.
GoStrategic provides curated group assignments to enrolled students, taking into account such factors as time zone and demographics. These small groups convene every other week via video/phone conferencing (or in person where feasible) to discuss, process, and apply the lessons under the guidance of a vetted and trained facilitator. The meeting schedule for each group is determined by the facilitator at the course onset with consideration to participants’ schedules and availability. Students complete the course work online, with a two-week timeframe allotted for each lesson. The estimated time commitment of study per lesson is approximately 2-3 hours, which encompasses listening to the teaching, completing the reading assignment, and submitting homework. Additionally, GoLife100 (year one) includes a Service Project component, while GoLife200 (year two) includes an essay assignment, both due at the conclusion of their respective courses.
Teens & Young Adults
Families and Homeschool groups are welcome and encouraged to register. This multi-generational approach enables parents and mentors to share an inheritance of the heart with the next generation of young people discovering their personal and corporate destinies in Christ.

Curriculum Overview
The GoLife100 (Year One) Course focuses on building a complete framework, rooted in biblical principles, through which to interpret life. Students will develop an acumen for the fundamentals of presuppositional thought and analysis regarding the nature of God, man, and truth, Emphasis is placed on instilling a vision and motivation for becoming a prophetic voice to the culture as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.
Entry Exam (true/false and multiple-choice questions)
Reading Assignments: Each audio/video lesson includes a reading assignment from various authors and sources that topically corresponds with the respective teaching.
Audio/Video Series: Living Life God’s Way
Introduction: Inheriting God’s Heart
Chapter 1: Choosing Life Every Day
Chapter 2: Using God’s Choices to Fulfill Destiny
Chapter 3: Planting Crops of Life and Blessing
Chapter 4: Refusing Bitterness and Mental Movies
Chapter 5: Life Is Designed to Make You a Ruler
Chapter 6: Using the Coaches God Has Given to Me
Chapter 7: Living as a King and a Priest
Section One: “Life as Discovery”
Lesson 1: Embracing a New Perspective of Christian Worldview
Lesson 2: Add to Your Faith, Virtue
Lesson 3: Adding Knowledge and Temperance
Lesson 4: Adding Patience
Lesson 5: Adding Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Love
Section Two: “Why Study Christian Worldview?”
Lesson 6: The Vision of Becoming a Prophetic Voice to Your Generation
Lesson 7: Worldview as a Lifestyle
Lesson 8: The Mind Justifies What the Heart Has Chosen
Lesson 9: Why Do We Believe What We Believe?
Section Three: “Introduction to Worldview & Philosophy”
Lesson 10: Worldview and the History of Metaphysics
Lesson 11: The Four Basic Philosophical Questions
Lesson 12: The Ontological Question
Lesson 13: The Ethical Question
Section Four: “The Root Presuppositions of the Christian Faith”
Lesson 14: Worldview in a Nutshell: The Three “Root” Presuppositions
Lesson 15: The Nature of God
Lesson 16: The Nature of Man
Lesson 17: The Nature of Truth
Lesson 18: Practical Tools for Addressing Other Worldviews
Section Five: “Becoming a Prophetic Voice to Your Culture”
Lesson 19: Fueling a Prophetic Life
Lesson 20: Being Part of a Prophetic People
Lesson 21: Power of the Law and Mediating Grace
Lesson 22: The Five “Spheres” of Government
Lesson 23: Righteousness and Consciousness
Lesson 24: Our Prophetic Work and the Vision for Strategic Living
GoLife100 Service Project: Each student must 1) complete a service project in the community that demonstrates a Christian response to a specific need, and 2) submit a report detailing the results and how it relates to the truths and principles of the GoLife100 materials.
Exit Exam (true/false and multiple-choice questions)
Curriculum Overview
The GoLife200 (Year Two) Course focuses on helping students develop a strategic lifestyle so they can begin to walk out the vision articulated by the Christian worldview. Students will learn how to build patterns of discipline in their lives for successful Christian living and leadership. Emphasis is placed on developing the skills of problem solving, strategic thinking, time management, and servant leadership.
- Attendance of a Qualifying GoStrategic Event: required to graduate
- Entry Exam (true/false and multiple-choice questions)
- Reading Assignments: Each audio/video lesson includes a reading assignment from various authors and sources that topically corresponds with the respective teaching.
Kingdom Foundations:
2 Audio-Video Lessons from Living Life God’s Way
2 Audio/Video Lessons from Tending Your Garden
Section One: “Embracing God’s Sovereignty”
Lesson 1: Finding Your Place on the Wall
Lesson 2: The Story of Creation
Lesson 3: The Sovereignty of God
Lesson 4: The Sovereignty of God in Our Personal Lives
Lesson 5: Destiny
Lesson 6: Personal Destiny and the Corporate Purpose of the Church
Section Two: “Embracing Community”
Lesson 7: Recognizing Relational Joining
Lesson 8: Building Generationally
Lesson 9: Covenant
Lesson 10: God’s Purpose for the Church
Lesson 11: Service as Motivation
Lesson 12: Recognizing Ministry Placement
Section Three: “Strategic Lifestyle”
Lesson 13: The Strategic Life
Lesson 14: Finding Your Disciplines
Lesson 15: Discerning Seasons and Timing
Lesson 16: The Sabbath
Lesson 17: A Vision for Life on Offense
Section Four: “Problems as Opportunities”
Lesson 18: Problem Solvers, Part I
Lesson 19: Problem Solving, Part II
Lesson 20: Leadership and Management
Section Five: “Engaging Culture”
Lesson 21: Questions the 20th Century Should Have Asked
Lesson 22: Hard Questions About Leadership
Lesson 23: God’s Green Light
Lesson 24: The Battle to Preserve Your Spiritual Growth
GoLife200 Essay: Each student must complete the essay assignment. This exercise is designed to stimulate creative thinking and reflect an understanding of the application of the biblical principles taught in the curriculum.
Exit Exam (true/false and multiple-choice questions)

The Vision of the School of Strategic Living
The School of Strategic Living (GoLife) traces its roots to the 1980s in the home of Dennis Peacocke, with a vision to equip his children to become influencers in their generation. In 1991, this family endeavor evolved into the institution it is today. For over 30 years, the school has been educating both current and emerging leaders to walk out a strategic lifestyle articulated by the biblical worldview.
GoLife combines the convenience of online learning with personal facilitation and relational group interaction. This unique educational experience integrates biblical teaching, philosophy, leadership preparation, missional training, and personal relationships into a compact educational experience that fits into daily life. Students leave the course empowered to impact their spheres of influence and the broader culture. An official transcript is available to graduates upon completion of the school and can be submitted to universities and institutions of higher learning for units of credit.
GoLife delivers results that extend far beyond your time in the school; it will change your thinking—preparing you for a life-long trajectory of continued growth, discipleship, critical thinking, and problem solving that will bring ongoing fruit to you and to all whom God has called you.