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In Partnership with

Family Life Institute



BLS100 & BLS200 


I have the joy to invite you to join me as I lead / facilitate a biblically based business leadership course that has truly has transformed the way I think about business, the kingdom of God, and how we, as God’s church, are supposed to be involved and bringing influence into all arenas of society.

Jon Sommer




The School of Business Leadership is a two-year course (BLS100 & BLS200) that involves an online curriculum and mentoring component.


It operates through online training supported by facilitators and real time group interaction.

Students work through the curriculum online according to the class schedule.
Students participating in the course are required to meet bi-monthly with their small group via video webcast.
Facilitators are trained, screened, and approved by Family Life Institute and are assigned at the beginning of the course.


Business People




Welcome to the School of Business Leadership 


GoBusiness100 Course is the first stage in this wild journey of being about our Father’s business in the marketplace. These teachings are designed to prepare you to lead people and build organizations God’s way.  It also prepares and launches you to successfully complete the second-year course, GoBusiness200.
The School of Business Leadership is a tool to help us master crucial skills which Jesus requires of all leaders which include:
1.    Building relationships, businesses, lives, and ministries strategically
2.    Building organizations relationally
3.    Building “learning organizations” where people (staff) can deeply learn and rapidly adjust to real life situations

With the completion of BLS100 and BLS200 and serving as a course facilitator for BLS 100 and 200, you will become skilled and trained in ways that most “experts” or MBA graduates have not received.
Your new marketplace skills will bring Kingdom economic principles to others that will bring blessing and value well beyond what “new money” you may earn applying these truths.


Once again, welcome to the journey! Dig in. The ideas will change your thinking; learning how to apply them will change your business; and living them out will help change your life and those you lead and love.


For His Kingdom,


Dennis T. Peacocke
Founder & President, GoStrategic


People In Discussion




The School of Business Leadership began in 1996 with the mission to train business people how to build businesses God’s way.


The school is a two-year course based upon biblical principles of economics and business practice, and the inherent concept that deeper learning follows effective service to others. It operates through online training supported by facilitators and real time group interaction. 


The School of Business Leadership provides a sharply defined perspective for how Biblical truth impacts marketplace thinking, practice and produces transformation in participant’s lives and businesses. 


The School of Business Leadership is currently operating in the US, Canada, Brazil, Europe, New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, and Central America.




The School of Business Leadership is designed to do three things:
1.Serve as a pinnacle of education in the realm       of biblical economics and marketplace             


2. Serve as a centering point for training,   

    mobilizing, and deploying trained business

    people into service throughout the nations

3. Leading people and building organizations

    God’s way

The school itself is based upon biblical principles of economics and business practice.  

The inherent concept is that deeper learning precedes effective service to others.
We recognize that effective leadership begins with our relationship to God; extends to and through our families; out into our local churches and communities; and then into the nations.


When the skills of a leader are all boiled down, only two core skills remain: leading people and knowing how to build and manage organiza-tions.  We train marketplace leaders to do these God’s way.


As professionally trained business owners, we study and bring the scriptural truths of stewardship, capital creation and management so others can lead more effectively.

Happy People




1)  to expose each student to God’s universal principles of leading people and building organizations God’s way.

2)  to fuel each student’s desire to apply these principles to their lives, marketplace work specifically.

3)  to see students, continue to more specialized training and leadership opportunities to teach and replicate these skills in the lives of others.


Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."
—Matthew 9:37-38


Outcomes of the School


  • Vision: A sharply defined perspective for how Biblical truth impacts marketplace thinking and practice.


  • Foundations: Critical ideas that are foundational to a trajectory toward manifesting God’s Kingdom in the marketplace.


  • Connection: A process that helps to connect participants with other resources in a larger context fostering change and bringing transformation to one’s personal life, family, business, and community.


  • Facilitation: A trained facilitator who provides a level of direction to participants, encouraging and helping them to examine their thoughts, attitudes, and practices in light of the principles presented in the course.

Confident Businessman


Expectation & Scope 


Students can expect:


1.  Bi-monthly meetings via webcast facilitated by a

      trained facilitator.
2.  Quality online curriculum. Each lesson takes

     about 2-3 hours to listen to, process and answer

     homework; Two weeks is allotted for two lesson

3.  Group support and prayer as your grow and

      learn together
4.  A transformative experience that will not only

     impact your business and work but also your

     personal and family life.


Scope (BLS100)


1.  To learn and flesh out the axioms of God’s truth

     for business in the marketplace.
2.  To build/reinforce a foundation of worldview and

      biblical economics.
3.  To learn how to build, manage, and lead

     according to God’s patterns and principles as

     based in the Scripture.

4.  Reading of Doing Business God’s Way by Dennis 

5.  Completing 24 course designed lessons which

     include audio teaching and online homework



Scope (BLS200)

1.  To learn the differences between traditional

     business practices and biblical economic principles

     and worldview for application in the marketplace

2.  To help equip and create a platform for business

     leaders that confronts the current secular thinking

     of worldly economics and geo political thinking

3.  To sharpen your skills and equip you for service,

     outreach, and evangelism in your work and ministry

     with the goal of glorifying God in all relationships

4.  To increase your leadership and management skills

     and strengthen your lifetime journey of applying

     God’s truths to the stewardship and increase of all

     that God has entrust to you


5.  Thesis Paper at course conclusion

  • ​BLS200 is designed to increase your leadership and management skills and the reach of your ministry through the application of God’s truths and a defined Christian worldview that distinguishes the differences between secular and biblical economics and business practices. The essay assignment is intended to stimulate creative thinking and aid the student in identifying their own places of personal transformation in these areas.


Curriculum & Schedule BLS100




   Informal online meet and greet – complete the Entry Exam online.


  1. Called by God to Steward His Creation Part 1 – Meeting 1

  2. Called by God to Steward His Creation Part 2 – Meeting 1

  3. Private Property -– Meeting 2

  4. Inheritance of the Heart – Meeting 3

  5. Building Spiritual & Organizational Dynasties 1 – Meeting 3



Doing Business God’s Way (book):


  6. DBGW 1: God is Building a Family Business – Meeting 4

  7. DBGW 2: Maturity Comes by Stewarding Property – Meeting 4

  8. DBGW 3: Generational Wealth and the Family Unit – Meeting 5

  9. DBGW 4: Our God Loves to Work – Meeting 5

  10. DBGW 5: The Product of the Family Business is Service – Meeting 6

  11. DBGW 6: What Money Reveals about People – Meeting 6

  12. DBGW 7: Risk, Self-Respect, and Redemptive Struggle – Meeting 7

  13. Chapter 8: Exposing the Cruelty of the Economics of Blame – Meeting 7

  14 DBGW 9: Justice and Equality Are Not the Same – Meeting 8

  15. DBGW 10: Godly Government Produces Peace and Productivity – Meeting 8

  16. DBGW 11: The Essential Threefold Cords that Will Lead to Your Success– Meeting 9

  17. DBGW 12: A Call to True Radicals – Meeting 9


Worldview Teachings:


  18. WVT1: The Mind Justifies What the Heart Has Chosen – Meeting 10

  19. WVT 2: The Three Root Presuppositions – Meeting 10


Worldview for the Marketplace:


  20. WVMP 1: The War Between Two Seeds – Meeting 11

  21. WVMP 2: Building on Divine Law – Meeting 11

  22. WVMP 3: Getting Free from Pharaoh’s Propaganda Machines – Meeting 12

  23. WVMP 4: Living and Working Strategically – Meeting 12

  24. WVMP 5: The Power of Faith & Obedience – Meeting 13

  25. WVMP 6: Mediating Grace – Meeting 13

  26. WVMP 7: Jurisdictions, Authority & Proprietorship – Meeting 14

  27. WVMP 8: How Big is Your Vision? – Meeting 14

  28. WVMP 9: God Loans, Transfers & Takes Away – Meeting 15

  29. WVMP 10: Where is the Value? – Meeting 15

  30. WVMP 11: The Economics of Obedience & Boundaries – Meeting 16

  31. WVMP 12: The Beauty of Justice  – Meeting 16




Curriculum & Schedule BLS200

BLS200 is designed to increase your leadership and management skills and the reach of your ministry through the application of God’s truths and a defined Christian worldview that distinguishes the differences between secular and biblical economics and business practices.


The Foundations of Marketplace Ministry Meeting 



  1. The Foundations of Economics and Family Management - Meeting 1

  2. Our Ministry as Kings and Priests - Meeting 1

  3. Walking in Financial Freedom - Meeting 2

  4. Building Organizations on God’s Word and Patterns - Meeting 2

  5. How Your Marketplace Ministry Fits into the Big Picture - Meeting 3


Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building


  6. How to Hear God for Your Business - Meeting 3

  7. Discerning Whom You Can Trust - Meeting 4

  8. Spiritual Warfare within Organizations - Meeting 4

  9. Business Prayers God Will Answer - Meeting 5


The Keys to Successful Business Life


  10. Biblical Ethics in the Marketplace - Meeting 5

  11. What Is Your Organization Called to Do? - Meeting 6

  12. Changing Man and His Institutions - Meeting 6

  13. The Nature and Power of Agreements - Meeting 7

  14. Transformation Begins With You - Meeting 7


Solving Problems God’s Way


  15. Understanding the Basics of Problem Solving - Meeting 8

  16. The Relational Nature of Problem Solving - Meeting 8

  17. Execution and Delegation - Meeting 9

  18. Stimulating the Commitment of Others - Meeting 9


Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny


  19. Basic Principles of Management - Meeting 10

  20. Building Our Businesses on a Relational Foundation (Pt 1) - Meeting 10

  21. Building Our Businesses on a Relational Foundation (Pt 2) - Meeting 11

  22. Understanding the Distinctions Between Teaching and Training (Pt 1) - Meeting 11

  23. Understanding the Distinctions Between Teaching and Training (Pt 2) - Meeting 12

  24. Knowing When the Game is on: God’s Green Light - Meeting 13


Student Requirements 


• webcast application on devise. Paid subscription not needed 

•    Computer or tablet with video, audio, and high-speed internet for video conferencing

•    Completion of entry exam (and upon course completion) exit exam & survey

•    Regular attendance and contribution in the scheduled small-group meetings (70% minimum attendance required to graduate)

•    Completion of reading/listening assignments

•    Completion of homework and quizzes: Students must submit homework for each lesson in the course. 
(The value of this exercise is not purely academic; its purpose is also to assist in genuine transformation and implementation of the principles being studied. It is designed to help students move from a place of passive learning to active learning and to increase the likelihood of retention. It allows the student's thinking to become visible and enables both evaluation and the establishment of truth in personal application.)

*Couples will have individual class records, homework submissions, test scores, course completion status, etc.


BLS200 Course:

•    Course facilitator recommendation for student admittance into GoBusiness 200.  This recommendation is ensuring the following:

  • student's conceptual grasp of the curriculum major ideas 

  • conviction of the concepts with life implications

  • desire to live as a disciplined learner (disciple)

  • motivation to fully engage in the BLS200 course


•    Thesis paper completion

Host Greeting Guests

BLS100 Registration

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